New vet clinic designed to make visits less stressful for pets + pet parents alike

Pets are a corner stone in many of our lives. They offer us loyalty, companionship and love, and some millennials are even opting for pet ‘parenthood’ over having children of their own. The only downside to owning pets? Stressful vet visits. Westshore Pet Clinic, a new, full-service veterinarian clinic in Langford, took stress and anxiety into account when designing their new clinic. They’ve taken extra care to make their office and exam rooms feel more like home with soft colors and a warm, inviting space where pets and their owners can relax. Westshore Pet Clinic, family run and family focused.…

Sacramento, CA free pet clinic for dogs, cats

British shorthair and Golden Retriever. chendongshan Getty Images/iStockphoto A free pet clinic is coming to Sacramento — and both dogs and cats are welcome. [–Sacramento County’s Bradshaw Animal Shelter and the city of Sacramento’s Front Street Animal Shelter are teaming up for a single day of free services, including vaccinations, wellness exams and more, according to the county’s website. The event will be hosted at the Pannell Community Center on Sunday, April 23, near the community of Parkway Estates. [–The county warned pet owners in an April Instagram post that the walk-up clinic, open to city and county…

ZooMiami’s search for plastic bottles includes crocodiles’ guts

MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, Fla. – When a plastic bottle fell into the area where two endangered crocodiles, Leroy and Princess, live at ZooMiami, the fear of a potentially deadly digestive obstruction prompted veterinarians to act quickly. Award-winning photographer Ron Magill, a spokesman for the zoo, reported Wednesday that the Cuban crocodiles had to be sedated to undergo radiographs on Tuesday at the zoo’s animal hospital. “Over the years, everything from cell phones to sunglasses have been retrieved from the bellies of animals at the zoo, causing significant stress and in some cases, physical harm,” Magill wrote in a statement. In 2019,…